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Voice Your Support

"Be a part of something extraordinary! Your support fuels Sistrum's unwavering commitment to social justice and equality. Join us in amplifying voices through the power of music. Make a difference today with your generous donation!"

Circle of Friends

When you join the Sistrum Circle of Friends, you're not just lending your voice – you're helping us create a powerful harmony that resonates both now and into the future. We extend our heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you for being part of this journey.

A picture of Dovey Johnson Roundtree a civil rights activist

A pioneering civil rights activist and attorney, she challenged racial discrimination through legal victories and unwavering advocacy. Her efforts in desegregating interstate bus travel and breaking barriers for African-American women in law left a lasting legacy of equality and justice.

$5+ Donors

Dovey Johnson-Roundtree

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Chorus of lgbtqia+ women singing together

Harmonize with Us:
Join Our Volunteer Ensemble

Calling all community champions! We're seeking passionate volunteers to join our mission and make a real impact. By volunteering with us, you'll have the opportunity to be part of meaningful projects that enrich lives and strengthen our community. Join our team of dedicated volunteers and help us create positive change. Sign up now to get involved!

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